Cherry Ridge Realty

Cherry Ridge Realty
34 Brown Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
Phone: 570-470-3660

For Rent

For Rent

Rental Properties Near Honesdale, PA

For Rent

Rental Properties Near Honesdale, PA

The company owns and rents 2 & 3 bedroom town homes, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments and some 3 bedroom single homes on the outskirts of Honesdale, Wayne County, Pennsylvania.

For Rent Cherry Ridge Realty

For Rent

FOR RENT: 1st floor 2BR apt., newly remodeled,
new appliances, CAC, sewer, water, & lawn care inc.

$1,600/mo. & 1 mo. Deposit.

NO smoking or housing

CALL 570-493-8096.

Townhouse: 2 BR ensuite; 2 1/2 bath
Deck, CAC, natural gas heat, ample parking, ½ mile from Honesdale
Garbage, sewer and water included.NO smoking, animals, or housing

$1,375/mo. 1 mo. deposit

CALL 570-493-8096.

Attractive 3 BR; 2 bath house
2 car garage, propane heating

Water & sewer Included
NO smoking or housing

$1700 Available Oct.15th

CALL 570-493-8096.

Townhouse: 2 BR ensuite; 2 1/2 bath
Deck, CAC, natural gas heat, ample parking, ½ mile from Honesdale
Garbage, sewer and water included.NO smoking, animals, or housing

$1,375/mo. 1 mo. deposit

CALL 570-493-8096.

5 Room, 1st Fl, close to downtown Honesdale
Electric, heat, water, sewer, garbage & lawn care included

$950/month Available May 10th

CALL 570-493-8096.

Pictures of some of our homes